Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why Poetry

Beginning my studies, the first step pleased me so much,
The mere fact, consciousness- these forms- the power of motion,
The least insect or animal- the senses- eyesight- love;
The first step, I say, awed me and pleased me so much,
I have hardly gone, and hardly wish to go, any farther,
But stop and loiter all the time, to sing it in ecstatic songs.
Walt Whitman.

Great words by Whitman, the father of free verse, and what is life if you can’t live it? The moment breathes for sure, and only stepping back a bit and looking at it more critically do we unravel its mysteries, or simplicities; depending on how you look at it. I don’t know about you but poetry relieves me. I put in words these because I must. Why poetry chose me I know not, nor do I seek to find. It reconciles me in a so effortless manner that I find it the only response I can use to both richness and adversities of life. To reverently borrow Argyris Hionis’ thought “….the words are leeches that suck on my brain/ and poetry the ash that I use to pull them out”.
I write automatically, just as I live automatically, hence my self assertion that I'm no poet, probably I lack that humility to live by the word. I will however enjoy building verse now and then so please, sincere critics, jump right in and bite a chunk.
Poetry sometimes goes beyond just expressing yourself or penning down those thoughts you deem worthwhile, bring to life my imagination and give it permanent form. The American poet John Holmes said that it’s “the satisfaction of springing at last the obstinate words into the stubborn line”.

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